Porta Fira

Hotel: Porta Fira
Address: Plaza Europa, 45, 08908 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain
Time of visit: January 2020
Besides a multi-gym, the equipment was mainly cardio based. There were two bikes, a cross-trainer and a treadmill.
Does the hotel gym offer complementary towels? Yes.
Does the hotel gym offer complementary water? Yes.
The hotel itself is super nice but when it comes to the hotel gym, there aren’t a lot of positive things to say. A lot was missing! Actually, I wouldn’t call it a gym! Why do you invest in a bench when there’re no dumbbells or barbells?
The space is very limited and it becomes very claustrophobic when just 2-3 guests use the hotel gym at the same time.
Based on the hotel gym, would you stay at this hotel next time you’re in the area?
Not sure – the inadequate equipment as well as space really limits your workout options!

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