H+ Hotel

Hotel: H+ Hotel            
Address: Krugwiese 11A, Goslar 38640, Germany
Time of visit: July 2020
There’s one treadmill, one cross trainer and one bike…
There’re 3,5 sets of dumbbells – the heaviest set being 5 kg.
Does the hotel gym offer complementary towels? Yes.
Does the hotel gym offer complementary water? No.
With the total space available being around 25 square meters, everything appears rather cramped together. The bike is positioned directly in the corner behind the door, the cross trainer next to it in the opposite corner and the treadmill along the wall.
Due to the current COVID-19 situation, only one person at a time was allowed to use the facility. I can only imagine how “heavy” the air will be if there’re three people sweating on the cardio equipment.
If you’re looking for a weight-based workout, you’re likely to be hugely disappointed: There’re 3,5 sets of dumbbells with the heaviest set being 5 kg. There’s no bench or yoga mats so any workout has to be done standing or lying on the (potentially) dirty floor.
Although there’s a sign stating something else, there were never complimentary water available during the visits I made to the gym.
On a positive note, the cardio equipment available is from Life Fitness allowing you to do a proper cardio workout without worrying if everything is going to fall apart halfway.
Opening hours are from 7am to 10pm – access is provide via your room key.
Based on the hotel gym, would you stay at this hotel next time you’re in the area?
No… The equipment available is simply too poor!

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