Hotel: AC Hotel 
Address: Carrer de Colón, 6, 46004 Valencia, Spain
Time of visit: June 2022
There’s a cross-trainer, two stationary bikes and a treadmill.
Besides, this there’s just a small collection of dumbbells and a couple of yoga mats.
Does the hotel gym offer complimentary towels? Yes.
Does the hotel gym offer complimentary water? Yes.
It’s a small one-room hotel gym.
The opening hours are 24/7. However, it’s usually busy between 6 and 7pm.
There’s air conditioning but it’s not that great.
The equipment was clean and maintained. The only issue was the water machine – it was broken but they had plenty of water bottles available instead.
I would’ve liked another treadmill as the only time I could use it was early in the morning. It was a busy hotel gym in the afternoon/evening.
Based on the hotel gym, would you stay at this hotel next time you’re in the area?

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