Hotel: Four Points        
Address: 1221 South Harbor Boulevard, Anaheim, California 92805, USA
Time of visit: June 2021
There’s a stationary bike, a cross-trainer and two treadmills.
There’s also a dumbbell rack but all dumbbells except a 4kg, a 7kg and 11kg dumbbell were missing!?
There’s also an ab machine, a Captain’s chair with a Bosu ball attached to the back and a cable machine with a fair selection of handles.
Does the hotel gym offer complementary towels? Yes.
Does the hotel gym offer complementary water? Yes.
I used one of the two treadmills for an hour run and the treadmill worked perfectly. I particularly liked that the fitness center offered a water cooler with individually wrapped plastic cups to use for drinking.
The hotel gym is open 24/7.
Although the fitness center offers free towels to use while working out which are large (I’d say body size), there’s no hamper in the fitness center to leave the used towels after your workout is done.
While there was a wall mounted sanitizer wipe dispenser, it was empty so there was no way to disinfect the treadmill after my workout.
Lastly, although the fitness center has a clock, it’s broken and stuck at 5:27.
Based on the hotel gym, would you stay at this hotel next time you’re in the area?
Yes! Despite the minor annoyances, due to the larger amount of exercise equipment available, I would definitely stay at this hotel again.

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