Hotel: Hilton
Address: 425 West Prospect Road, Fort Collins, Colorado 80526, USA
Time of visit: September 2021
There’re three treadmills and one stationary bike.
There’s a solid selection of dumbbells – all up to 34 kgs – as well as an adjustable bench.
There’s also a cable machine.
Does the hotel gym offer complementary towels? Yes.
Does the hotel gym offer complementary water? Yes.
I was happy to see they had a nice functional cable machine as well as dumbbells up to 34 kgs!
Space is tight, but that’s because they’ve packed the hotel gym with all the equipment they can.
There’s only one weight bench, which can cause an issue if multiple dumbbell users are there at once.
The hotel gym is open 24/7 and the equipment is in excellent condition.
Based on the hotel gym, would you stay at this hotel next time you’re in the area?
Yes, I’d go back.

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