Hotel: Holiday Inn Express              
Address: 2516 Guess Road, Durham, North Carolina 27705, USA
Time of visit: June 2021
There’s a solid range of dumbbells going up to 22 kgs and an adjustable bench.
Cardio-wise, there’s a cross-trainer, a stationary bike and a treadmill.
Accessories include a Bosu ball, exercise mats and an exercise ball.
Does the hotel gym offer complementary towels? No.
Does the hotel gym offer complementary water? Yes.
This hotel gym is small, but it offers a large variety of weights, which is a must if you’re a lifter like me and don’t want to bring your dumbbells along to every trip.
There isn’t a lot of room in this gym, but it gives you all the equipment you need to get a stellar workout in without having to pack your own dumbbells! The majority of Holiday Inn’s I’ve stayed don’t have dumbbells at all, so this one’s a rare gem!
Based on the hotel gym, would you stay at this hotel next time you’re in the area?

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