Hotel: Jockey Club       
Address: 3700 South Las Vegas Boulevard, Las Vegas, Nevada 89109, USA
Time of visit: June 2021
The cardio section consists of a stationary bike, a cross-trainer and three treadmills.
With the available machines, you can do lat pull-downs, biceps curls, shoulder presses, chest presses, leg curls/extensions and seated rows.
Does the hotel gym offer complementary towels? Yes.
Does the hotel gym offer complementary water? Yes.
The treadmills overlooked the pool area outside which was nice.
I did see quite a few people using the hotel gym when walking past it. However, it was never over-crowded.
I liked the variety. However, the sauna and hot tub was out of order at the time of my visit which sucked. It was also disappointing to see that there weren’t any dumbbells.
Based on the hotel gym, would you stay at this hotel next time you’re in the area?
Not sure.

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